
Network. Sell tracks. Pay zero commission.

Release your music with full control. Keep your copyrights. Cancel anytime.

Be part of BeatsUnion's artist movement and apply to become a BU Original artist.
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, Creative Saskatchewan & other Canadian partners.
Set your own price

Sell track downloads through your personal BU artist store & have money go directly to your account of choice. BU’s collaboration features enable you to easily create contracts and automatically distribute royalty splits with other BU artists you choose to collaborate with.

Experience digital
Artist Freedom

BeatsUnion champions transparency and privacy by design which means you have clarity and control over your personal data on the platform. 

Benefit from BU’s artist collective

Influence the design of the platform to make it work for
your benefit and contribute to a grassroots movement
that is self-supporting and self-sustaining for electronic
music artists. 

It’s time to empower the artist.
Be you. Be united.

BeatsUnion is a stand alone, 100% independent platform that is geared towards forming a grassroots movement that is self sustaining and self supporting. This platform is built by artists, many of whom are music producers, to create a viable solution for sustainable income. We believe that making music is a sacred process that requires focus and clarity and shouldn’t be overshadowed by major record labels and big tech companies. As a music producer, you can release your tracks via BeatsUnion’s music store and pay zero commission on music sales. You own copyrights to your music. You set the price for your music. You are the only one making money off of your music. Period. BeatsUnion simply provides you with the space to showcase your music, automate the creation of contracts and the distribution of royalty splits. The platform champions radical transparency and privacy by design, protecting your personal digital freedom.

BeatsUnion was recently supported by Canada Council for the Arts and is the proud recipient of the Transformation of Organizational Model Grant. To date, we’ve leveraged this funding to create a digital reality for artists that fosters independence and income sustainability.

BeatsUnion offers several subscription models (ranging from $0 to $10 monthly) to meet the needs of artists at various stages in their career. Your membership to BeatsUnion includes a personalized artist page and private work area where you can manage your releases to start monetizing your music. Your membership gives you access to networking tools that will help you grow connections with other producers. 

By joining early, you are recognized as a BU original producer who will be showcased in BeatsUnion’s promotional efforts across social media and other digital marketing channels.  As a BU Original, you influence the direction of the platform and help to shape the features and benefits that BeatsUnion will provide.

Anyone can purchase music from BeatsUnion by visiting store.beatsunion.com. BeatsUnion’s search features allow music enthusiasts to explore and purchase all the music released by BU artists. Download purchases through BeatsUnion go directly to the BeatsUnion artist via a secure transaction.

Your BU artist page allows you to push and promote your music to popular channels of choice and have fans link back to your BU page to purchase the download. As a BU artist, your music is featured and searchable via store.beatsunion.com

Taking care of you, the artist, is our number one priority. We are not about capitalizing on your music. We are here to provide you with the tools and opportunity to grow your music career and earn a sustainable living as an artist.

BU subscriptions can be cancelled anytime. Your music will only be available through BeatsUnion with a paid BU subscription.

The release owner owns the copyrights. BeatsUnion does not hold copyrights for any music released via the platform.

Be part of BeatsUnion's artist movement and
apply to become a BU Original artist.

It’s time to empower the artist.

We are a group of artists powered by our creativity & passion to make a better future for all of us. BeatsUnion is a vision to protect the integrity of the artist in a digital environment that is constantly capitalizing on our participation without adequately providing real life value.

BeatsUnion is a digital platform where artists can sell their music, keep 100% of their profit, protect the ownership of their work and define their own competitive and ethical reality. Through collective effort, artists can  harness the power of a digital platform truly dedicated to solving sustainable income.

Purchasing music from BeatsUnion promises quality sounds from a dedicated underground artist community. With every song purchased, artists and music enthusiasts come together to fully realize this grass-roots movement.