
Understanding Sovereignty: A Journey with BeatsUnion

What is Sovereignty?

When I started the BeatsUnion movement, I knew that BeatsUnion was about sovereignty first and foremost. Initially, our mission was a reflection of the world, driven by serious intentions and a calling that felt beyond our control. However, when it comes to subjects like power and sovereignty it became clear that whatever our concepts are, they must reflect on correct fundamentals or we end up risking the entire journey becoming meaningless. These realizations began a long journey of research into history, and the different organizational structures it produced.

Being originally from the Middle East, I observed the concept of sovereignty as a struggle for the right of self-determination, a fight of the common vulnerable human being seeking refuge from superior forces throughout history. But where does this right come from, and how does a vulnerable human find the courage to stand alongside fellow human beings facing constant common struggle?

Sovereignty as a Matter of Resolution

It’s essential to consider the different resolutions of sovereignty. The sovereignty of a country or a nation reflects the power of its people. This power is rooted in shared ideas and principles, which become the foundation of their common goal (ie: the constitution). Before common values and principles are established, everything begins at an individual level.

Individual struggle differs from group struggle; a group requires some form of organization. Personal struggle involves fundamental human experiences related to intention, choice, and willpower. For example, an individual giving up and quitting is often rooted in the lack of knowledge and understanding of such fundamental concepts. Without the individual, there can be no collective, and therefore no group struggle for shared values and principles.

And finally sovereignty can also be looked at from the academic perspective to study the nature of power. Is there such a thing as eternal power? If so, where could it be found? These questions are as old as human history. Throughout time, every society had its own definition of power. For instance, in modern times Canada, power is embodied in the “Sovereign of England,” who submits to the protestant church (a collective), and ultimately to a higher power often referred to as God.

Sovereignty and the Artist

Artists, as individuals, face common struggles that can lead to various outcomes, often negative outcome relates to quitting on artistry and life. When discussing sovereignty from the perspective of BeatsUnion, three principles apply:

  1. Knowledge of the Nature of Power: Intention, human choice, and willpower are all forms of power. This is essential knowledge for artists as they maneuver the maze of life in fulfillment of their destiny.
  2. The Individual: Applying knowledge on a personal and spiritual level to avoid the “death of the journey” and quitting artistry. It is only via knowledge of true sovereignty that an individual is able to stand for principle, and become via a meaningful character that transcends the physical.
  3. The Organization: Building on common principles to tackle common artistic struggles via the power of the collective. The organization is reflected in the technology designed to address common challenges and uphold ethics.

Our common struggles involve complex ideas of self-determination, self-governance, and self-sustainability; and even when we successfully build an organization we face the dangers of corruption, acquisition and eminent collapse. But with adequate knowledge we shall achieve success and longevity so we, the artist, may be of service to the sanctity of life for generations to come.

Release Music

as an independent artist on BeatsUnion

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