01. Personal Info 02. About
Please help us learn more about you as an artist…
BeatsUnion reviews all submissions and qualifies members according to the growth stage of the BeatsUnion platform. Applicants will be notified when their application to become a BU Producer is accepted. The personal information collected by BeatsUnion in this application are collected, used or disclosed in accordance with the terms of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. By submitting your information, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree with our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
As an artist I am: (Pick all that applies)
01. Personal Info 02. About
Which of the following profiles do you have? Select all that apply.*
Do you have a website?
Please copy and paste the full URL of your website below.
Sample Music Link
Please provide a sample music link of a track you independently created:
What drives you as an artist?
How did you hear about BeatsUnion?